Kerry Deane, LL.B., Consultant
Kerry commenced legal practice in 1979 as a criminal defence lawyer working in Auckland with a then prominent senior criminal lawyer. When the time came in the early 1980s to leave criminal practice, he established Bay Law Office together with Peter Jacobson to work in areas where he could engage with the law of contract, a discipline about which he was and remains today extremely passionate. This interest translated into acting and advising on contracts in all forms, including those concerned with the sale and purchase of land, and also those encountered in the commercial environment.
In June 2015, Kerry was forced to retire from full-time practice due to a significant adverse medical event which physically disabled him, but his mind remained sharp as ever. Having retired from full-time practice, Kerry feeds his addiction to the law by acting as a consultant to the Bay Law Office. Both the team at Bay Law Office and long-time clients are thrilled to know that Kerry is available to consult when needed.